
During CEDE 2015 will be held Conference PTS@CEDE2015 Clinical Dentistry and Conference BE ACTIVE@CEDE2015.

All sessions are in Polish.
Only two lectures of Endodontics session and one lecutre of Orthodontics session will be given in English. 

Thursday, September 10th

Endodontics Session

10.00 - 12.00 Modern Endodontics: Biologic and Conservative, Prof. Martin Trope

12.45 - 14.45 Expendo 3D Finishing File with Bioceramic Technology: New era in biologic and conservative endodontic treatment, Prof. Martin Trope

Friday, September 11th
Orthodontics Session

10.45 - 11.45 21st century is a century of maxillary arch! Occlusion and dento-alveolar anomalesin the maxillary arch: clinical experience in respect of "maxilliary deficiency syndrome", Prof. Stephen Williams