FDI 2016 Poznań, Poland
Exhibitors Catalogue

SPS - Piotr Szymański

ul. Modzelewskiego 67 / 4
02-679 Warszawa

Tel: 48 228444942
Fax: 48 223987885
E-mail: redakcja@spsmedia.pl
WWW: http://www.nowygabinet.pl/

Stand: P.5 (Pasaż)
Stand: 8a.B5.2 (Pavilion 8A)

Nowy Gabinet Stomatologiczny has a different character than the other ones within this branch, existing on the market; it is the only one in Poland with typically trade specialization (B2B). Our receiver is the owner of dentist's office - thus the person that makes decisions about expenses.
Product information, materials and practical advice which help to run a modern practice are topics we deal with. Our team aim is to be useful at dentists' practice to adapt high standards in every aspect of it. NGS is targeted at those who work in dentistry, especially to clinics’ owners who decide what and where to buy in order to equip their workplace very well.
Copies: 5000.
We are also an organizer of practical trainings for dentists: www.szkoleniestomatologow.pl