FDI 2016 Poznań, Poland
Congress Programme - by lecturer

Indirect restoration in aesthetic dentistry

Dr Igor Ristić

Dr n. med. Maciej Żarow

Location: Pavilion 15 - level 1, Hall 1.E

Date: 14.09.2017, Thursday

Time: 11:30 - 12:30

Course type: Lecture
Language: English
Simultaneous translation into: Polish
Educational points: 1
Cost: included in the Congress fee

There is a rising demand for an esthetic and both functional smile makeovers. Sometimes it could include just a minor corrections but there are many cases that involve multiple teeth reconstruction and complex treatment planing altering from tooth colour and position to VDO and occlusion. Modern materials as well as a wide selection of adhesive dental materials allow a clinitian to be much less invasive than he was in last decades. The lecture would be focused on treatment planing phase, bit of lab and clinical phases of the treatment, like preparation protocol, impression talking and bonding finished restoration. It would provide to the listeners valuable tips for reliable and straightforward clinical protocols.