Join the 2nd BE DIGITAL Forum as a partner!

Digital dentistry holds no secrets for you? Do you manufacture or sell solutions that change the daily work of dentists and dental technicians? Do you want to attract new customers?

Join us at the 2nd BE DIGITAL Forum, which will take place as part of CEDE 2023 (September 21-23, EXPO Łódź).

Present your digital dentistry solutions by choosing one and/or all of the following formats:

  • product presentation in the Test Zone (an additional, free space for CEDE 2023 exhibitors, enabling product presentation independent of the main stand)
  • company session, lecture or workshop (autonomous project within the BE DIGITAL Forum, you decide on: format, lecturers, fees)
  • short story on the BE DIGITAL Forum Stage (presentations up to 20 minutes, free entry for the public, it will be located in the centre of the EXPO pavilion, right next to the Test Area)

BE DIGITAL Forum is aimed at both dentists and dental technicians. The objective is to promote digital dentistry, to enable partners reach new customers, and for dentists and technicians to gain knowledge facilitating decision-making before purchase.

BE DIGITAL Partners do not incur additional registration costs or fees for space in the Test Zone. Additional charges may arise from non-standard graphic identification of the Test Zone booth, lecture/workshop rental fees, catering costs or lecturer fees.

A company involved in the BE DIGITAL project is given Partner status, the company's logo is placed on and will be published in advertising materials: printed and online. Additionally, BE DIGITAL Partner can use the CEDE/Exactus database to send a newsletter (once, date to be determined).

CEDE exhibitors are eligible to become BE DIGITAL Partners in the first instance.