Exhibitors Catalogue

Fundacja do walki z nowotworem jamy ustnej "Z uśmiechem przez życie"

Dzika 2
00-194 Warszawa

Tel: 22 3517658
E-mail: info@zusmiechem.org.pl
WWW: http://www.zusmiechem.org.pl/

Stand: P.10 (Patio)

The Foundation “With a Smile for Life” helps fight against oral cancer.
The main objectives of the Foundation are:
• dissemination of knowledge and information about cancers of the mouth,
• great importance of the dentist role as a practitioner in the prevention of cancer,
To achieve our goals we made a lot of significant actions like:
- we co-organized series of lectures that focused on the prevention of cancer, oral cancer treatment, screening examination.
- we also organized an action called Open days in the dentist office. During campaign we conducted free dental examinations for people who sign up.
-We administrate a website www.zusmiechem.org.pl where we publish information about oral cancer, educational movies and leaflets, information about preventive examinations.