Congress Programme

Autologous growth factors in bone and tissue regeneration."Experience meets evolution”

MD, DDS Ezio Gheno

Location: Pavilion 15 - level 1, Hall 1.F

Date: 22.09.2018, Saturday

Time: 10:00 - 11:00

Course type: Lecture
Language: English
Simultaneous translation into: Polish
Educational points: 1
Cost: included in the congress fee

Autologous growth factors appear as the new frontier to support all surgical maneuvers to restore tissue that need regeneration.

The use of Concentrated Growth Factors (CGFs) in combination with appropriate surgical techniques is a performing procedure in regenerative and reconstructive therapy.

Literature and clinical cases will be presented step by step to document the benefits of this approach, which provides a quick and easy way to handle oral surgery and implantology.

The goal is to use a little invasive technique and at the same time extremely effective for handling both simple and complex cases.

The lecture’s aims is to provide an overview of surgical solutions in implant rehabilitation in compromised sites in terms of space and stability.

Management techniques for jaw and mandibular atrophies will be considered.

Particular attention will be given to the methods of preparation of autologous membranes, membranes for the preservation of the alveolus, techniques of incorporation of the growth factors in biomaterial ( So called Bio-membrane, Bio-mold, Bio-poncho,).

It will be illustrated, as with the technique of the Bone Ring heterologous (C-block Osteobioll of Tecnoss), in combination with the use of the autologous CGF platelet concentrate (Silfradent, Italy), vertical and horizontal ridge elevations can be obtained in order to obtain , In a single surgical period a three-dimensional increase for the deferred or contextual positioning of an implant.

With this technique we use of Round Up (Silfradent, Italy), the bone homogenizer device that permits permeation of blocks and biomaterials with autologous growth factors.