Exhibitors Catalogue


ul. Wierzbowa 46/48
90-133 Łódź

Tel: 48 422920666
Fax: 48 422920668
E-mail: info@natrodent.pl
WWW: http://www.natrodent.pl/

Stand: D4.2 (CEDE Arena - Zone A)

Natrodent Profesjonalne Systemy Protetyczne
ul.Wierzbowa 46/48
90-133 Łódź
tel. 42 292 06 66/67
mail: info@natrodent.pl

For almost 25 years, Natrodent has been a technical and commercial representative of the world's leading manufacturers of equipment, professional equipment and materials for dental prosthetics and dentistry, i.e. AmannGirrbach, Exocad, DMG, DentiqGuide, Align - iTero, Trumpf, Cendres & Metaux, PIC dental, Zircos-e, Hypodent. The strategy of Natrodent Professional Prosthetic Systems is to search for the latest technologies and solutions for dentistry and related industries (prosthetics and orthodontics) on the global markets, which are successfully introduced to the Polish market. The Natrodent company has the only AmannGirrbach Training Center in Poland, fully equipped with CAD/CAM systems (scanners, milling machines, 3D printers).

    Furnishing and lighting
  • furniture for dental laboratories
    Consumer products for dental office
  • impression masses
  • resins for temporary crowns and bridges
  • root canal anchor systems (materials)
    Equipment for dental lab
  • CAD/CAM systems
  • articulators
    Consumer products for dental lab
  • ceramic materials for inlays, crowns and bridges
    Dental Lab
  • dental lab
    Services, information, communication, organization
  • professional and continuing education
    3D Print
  • 3D print equipment, supplies and accessories

Amann Girrbach - Austria
Cendres+Métaux SA - Switzerland
DMG - Germany
Erio S.r.l. - Italy
EXOCAD GmbH - Germany
PIC Dental LLC - Spain
Trumpf GmbH - Germany

Izabela Siuta
Tel: 48 500053848
E-mail: izabela.siuta@natrodent.pl

Jacek Świecimski
Tel: 48 512251237
E-mail: jacek.swiecimski@natrodent.pl